Our business philosophy
Perfecting the Art and Science of Car Audio

Since 1972, Reus Systems has navigated its clientele through the “High End" car audio maze…providing The Reus Audio Experience in the most exclusive automobiles in the world. No company has done it longer or better. Reus systems is not a marketing driven enterprise... it is a PERFORMANCE driven company.​
Knowing our database includes numerous celebrities will not improve the sound of your car, however knowing that our client list includes well known recording artists, engineers and studio musicians who routinely use their vehicles to reference what they produce in the recording studio will tell you about how capable your Reus Audio System will be.
The world of mobile electronics can be confusing. With all of the crafted language and marketing hyperbole designed to separate you from your money, it's hard to discern what is really accurate. Virtually all manufactures and installers claim to be "the best" when in fact, there is no best... just what sounds preferable to you. In many cases, when a so called "revolutionary innovation" is announced, it is a good bet Reus Systems has already been there, so we have a pretty good idea what is going to work in your vehicle... evidenced by decades of supplying systems that have met every expectation in performance and reliability.
While it has been fashionable to promote the overpowered, over-speakered thump and bump sound, that has never been the Reus focus. Our clients are more discerning. They prefer to listen to the music rather than the electronics and expect the vehicle integrity to stay intact without being mauled by components that really have no place in it.
This site is not graphics intense, because there is little to see. Our audio systems blend into the vehicle seamlessly. It will appear as if nothing was done to the car... until you turn the system on. Then "The Reus Audio Experience" will completely take over... beyond traditionally great car audio... bringing you to a place musically beyond anything you may have experienced... so seductive, you will at times find yourself listening to music you may not normally like. It will elicit emotions that will take the "commute" out of your daily drive. We feel Reus Systems is among the industry's elite and given the opportunity to earn your business, we believe you will too.